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Lake Havasu Soccer League dba Havasu Lions FC



Article I NAME

This organization shall be known as the Lake Havasu Soccer League dba Havasu Lions FC, hereinafter referred to as Havasu Lions FC, Havasu Lions, Lions, Club or League.



  1. Havasu Lions FC shall be established as a youth oriented, non-profit, educational organization.  Its purpose is to develop, promote and administer the game within the League’s territory.


  1. To achieve this purpose, Havasu Lions FC will provide a supervised program which will follow the rules set forth by the Arizona Soccer Association and the United States Soccer Federation.  All Directors, Officers, and Members shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill of the winning of games is secondary, and the molding of future citizens, is of prime importance.

C. In accordance with Section 501-(c)-(3) of the Federal Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, the Havasu Lions FC shall operate exclusively as a non-profit educational organization providing a supervised soccer program.  No part of the net earnings shall inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.  No substantial part of the activities of Havasu Lions FC will involve carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or participating in or otherwise intervening in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.



Havasu Lions FC shall be affiliated with the Arizona Soccer Association (ASA), the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA) and the United States Soccer Federation (USSF).



Havasu Lions FC’s territory will be Lake Havasu City, Arizona and whatever other territory the Arizona Soccer Association may assign.



  1. Havasu Lions FC shall be governed by its By-Laws as presently constituted except in those matters reserved by the Arizona Soccer Association and the United States Youth Soccer Association.


  1. The legislative and judicial powers of this association except those which are herein otherwise delegated shall be vested in the Board of Directors.

  2. The Board of Directors of Havasu Lions FC shall be comprised of a minimum of seven (7) members elected at large.



The Board of Directors of the Havasu Lions FC shall fix the location of the principal executive offices at any place within the League’s boundaries.  Current mailing address is: P.O. Box 1749, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405.



Representative colors of the Havasu Lions FC are black, and silver.  Teams within the League may have other colors as approved by the President. Special teams selected to represent the League may wear special uniforms.



Should the Havasu Lions FC be dissolved, all assets remaining after payment of all debt shall be turned over to the Lake Havasu City Parks and Recreation Department.



The constitution of the Havasu Lions FC may be amended as follows:

  1. By a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the entire number of the Board of Director at a special meeting called specifically for the purpose of considering the proposed amendment(s).


  1. By a majority vote of the general membership at the Havasu Lions FC Annual General Meeting.



The ratification and signature of five (5) members of the 2022-23 Board of Directors of the Havasu Lions FC shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto subscribed our signatures:


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ Date _________________________________


Havasu Lions FC




Havasu Lions FC membership of any category shall be subject to approval of the Board of Directors.

  1. Classes of Membership:

1. Player Members are those players currently registered with the League.

2. Regular Active Members are those persons who are serving in the League as Members of the Board of Directors, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Club Team Managers, Referees, and Committee Members of record for the current season.

  1. Voting Members, for the purpose of participating in the Annual General Meeting, are: Members of the Board of Directors, Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Club Team Managers, and Committee Members of record for the current season.



Board of Directors:

  1. The Havasu Lions FC shall be governed by its operating Board of Directors which shall have final authority in all matters concerning the operation of Havasu Lions FC.


  1. Election of Directors will be at an Annual General Meeting held in the spring after completion of playing season.  The date and location will be determined by current operating Board of Directors who will give at least thirty (30) days public notice.


  1. Persons eligible to vote are Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Club Team Managers, and current Board Members.  Only one (1) Coach, Assistant Coach, or Club Team Manager of record per registered team may vote.  Proxies will not be recognized.


  1. Directors shall be elected to serve for two (2) years.  Their term of office shall begin immediately after election.  Four (4) of the seven (7) Directors shall be elected in the odd numbered years and the remaining Three (3) in the even numbered years.


  1. Odd Year Elections- President, VP of Club, Director of Coaches and Referees, and Treasurer.


  1. Even Year Elections- VP of Rec, Secretary, and Director of Sponsorship and Media.


  1. Term of Office, Removal & Resignation:

  1. The term of office for each Member of the Board of Directors will be two (2) years and is completed upon election of a new Director to fill the office.  Directors may serve more than one term.


  1. A Director may resign at any time but should give at least thirty (30) days written notice of his/her intention to the Board of Directors.


  1. Any Director not attending three (3) official consecutive meetings may have his/her office declared vacant.  Any Director may be removed for cause by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire Board.


  1. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by Presidential appointment; said appointments shall be approved by the Board of Directors.  The appointee shall serve the remainder of the term of the Director he/she replaces.


  1. Functions & Responsibilities of the Board of Directors:


  1. President - Responsible for conducting affairs of the League with the concurrence of the Board of Directors. The responsibilities of the President shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

  1. Coordinates and presides over all Board of Directors Meetings as well as the General Assembly Meetings;

  2. Shall be responsible for oversight of procedures and personnel, which responsibility may be delegated; 

  3. Shall establish Havasu Lions FC committees with the concurrence of the Board of Directors and make committee leader appointments; 

  4. Shall provide oversight over established committees; 

  5. Shall oversee all matters of independent contractors; 

  6. Represents the League at District and State meetings; 

  7. Informs the League members of activities and actions; 

  8. Purchases all League and Club equipment;

  9. Receives notification of any large purchases over $500.00; 

  10. Serves as a tie break vote as needed in Board of Directors meetings. 


  1. Vice President of Rec - Responsible for all activities associated with League play for Spring and Fall Recreation Seasons. The responsibilities of the Vice President of Rec shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  

    1. Organizes and coordinates registration of players;

    2. Shall verify that a background check has been completed as part of the coaches’ registration process for every Havasu Lions FC coach;

    3. Shall verify that all coaches’ trainings are valid;

    4. Provides recommended registration fee for Board of Directors approval;

    5. Serves as the administrator for designated soccer management system; 

    6. Shall submit required reports to the State

    7. Establishes and maintains player registration records to include fee payments, birth certificates, team assignments, media releases, and other useful information; 

    8. Maintains current player rosters and current team rosters including coaches, assistant coaches, and team parents; 

    9. Presents monthly registration reports to the Board of Directors during sign-ups;

    10. Responsible for the operation of each recreation season to include setting the season schedule, assigning all players to teams, establishing game schedules for all divisions, recruiting and assigning all coaches, and creating all practice schedule sign-ups;

    11. Coordinates player assessments, coach drafts, and pictures;

    12. Coordinates trophy ordering and field reservations;

    13. Facilitates seasonal informational sessions for new players and families;

    14. Shall update Referee Coordinator with games schedules; 

    15. Communicates with coaches and Referee Coordinator to resolve schedule conflicts and answer general rule questions;

    16. Communicates with the public to assist with registration, general questions, and concerns.  

    17. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings.  


  1. Vice President of Club - Responsible for all activities associated with Club play. The responsibilities of the Vice President of Club shall include, but not be limited to, the following:  

    1. Organizes and coordinates registration of all players and coaches;

    2. Shall verify that a background check has been completed as part of the coaches’ registration process for every Havasu Lions FC coach;

    3. Shall verify that all coaches’ trainings are valid;

    4. Recommends registration fees and monthly payments to be approved by the Board of Directors; 

    5. Provides an accurate list of suggested tournaments to attend;

    6. Serves as the Administrator for designated soccer management system 

    7. Shall submit required reports to the State

    8. Maintains player registration records to include registration payments, monthly payments, birth certificates, player passes, travel rosters, loan player paperwork, media releases, and other needed paperwork; 

    9. Assists coaches in tryouts; 

    10. Maintains accurate records of all team rosters; 

    11. Completes registrations for all tournaments and sends tournament payments timely; 

    12. Communicates on behalf of all teams to Tournament Directors resolving schedule conflicts and general rule questions;

    13. Develops and maintains club procedures annually 

    14. Acts as insurance coordinator with Arizona Youth Soccer; provides 

    15. Facilitates annual informational sessions for new players and families;

    16. Educates and assists Coaches and Team Managers on with Club information; 

    17. Works alongside the Treasurer to stay up to date on team monthly fees and ensure all practicing players are current on payments; 

    18. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings. 


  1. Secretary - Maintains Havasu Lions FC correspondence, files, and handles such correspondence as the Board may direct. The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

  1. Gives proper notice of all Havasu Lions FC Board Meetings. Notice of meetings should be given Thirty (30) days prior to the meeting and again Ten (10) days prior to the meeting; 

  2. Schedules location of meetings and takes attendance.

  3. Keeps written minutes of all Havasu Lions FC Board Meetings and special meetings; 

  4. Facilitates email correspondence for any outstanding items that require a vote outside of regular board meetings and provides results to the Board of Directors.

  5. Minutes are to be emailed to all Board of Directors members within ten (10) calendar days after any meeting that minutes are taken. Once the Board of Directors approves the minutes, the minutes must be posted to the website within ten (10) calendar days; 

  6. Ensures that a record is kept of the name and address and other information of each Board Member, Director, Coordinator, Committee Leader, and Contractor; 

  7. Performs all duties incidental to the office and such other duties as the President may direct.

  8. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings.  


  1. Treasurer - Shall act as financial advisor to the Board of Directors and perform all financial duties and record keeping on behalf of the Havasu Lions FC. The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 

  1. Works with the designated accounting firm to oversee the financial records for the Havasu Lions FC;

  2. Shall keep detailed accounts of all monies received, expensed, and any other necessary proofs of transactions in a record provided for this purpose and according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. 

  3. Shall submit in writing the financial standing of the organization at Board Meetings.

  4. Shall pay bills as they are due on behalf of the organization and all of its accounts as authorized;

  5. Shall maintain checking accounts in a local bank and all expenditures shall be made directly from these accounts in order to have a valid record of payments, requiring two (2) Board Member signatures for negotiation; 

  6. Coordinates with the Vice President of Club to ensure tournament registrations, state fees, travel stipends, club equipment, and uniforms are ordered timely; 

  7. Shall assist the Vice President of Club with the collection of delinquent payments;

  8. Coordinates the preparation of the annual fiscal year tax return with a designated accounting firm;

  9. Coordinates the preparation of annual calendar year federal 1099 forms with a designated accounting firm.

  10. Shall work collaboratively with the President to prepare and present to the Board of Directors in the Annual General Meeting the proposed budget for the coming year; 

  11. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings.  


  1. Director of Coaches and Referees - Responsible for the coaches and for League and Club teams. The responsibilities of the Director of Coaches and Referees shall include, but not be limited to, the following; 

  1. Responsible for the recruitment of coaches for League and Club teams;

  2. Coordinates all coaching assignments and activities; 

  3. Provides training on semi-annual basis for both Rec and Club coaches; 

  4. Functions as mediator on coaching matters and submits unresolved problems to the Board of Directors; 

  5. Shall hold an orientation meeting with all coaches and referees, outlining expectations each season;

  6. Works with the state assigner to supply referees for League games played within the Havasu Lions FC jurisdiction at the youth level;

  7. Ensures all paid referees submit up-to-date federal W-9 forms and provides copies of same to the Treasurer in a timely manner;

  8. Responsible for collecting and maintaining records of game scores, caution and ejection reports, and injuries, as filed on game report forms; 

  9. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings.  


  1. Director of Sponsorship and Media - Responsible for League communication and sponsorship and media oversight for the Havasu Lions FC. The responsibilities of the Director of Sponsorship and Media shall include, but not be limited to, the following; 

  1. Prepares communications announcing registration and seasons to members and potential members; 

  2. Responsible for the acquisition of team sponsors for the League; 

  3. Responsible for the oversight of any media and promotional opportunities;

  4. Prepares Havasu Lions FC Board-approved press releases.

  5. Works with the VP’s to assign the sponsors to each team; 

  6. Coordinates and oversees uniform production;

  7. Defines and coordinates printing of appropriate sponsor’s name on team jerseys; 

  8. Manages and maintains the Havasu Lions FC website; 

  9. Maintains Facebook presence, maintenance and oversight; 

  10. Manages the use of the Havasu Lions FC Logo

  11. Collects and posts League and Tournament pictures and standings;

  12. Develops and oversees new opportunities for Sponsorship growth and fundraising opportunities;

  13. Responsible for recognition given to sponsors and donors during each season.

  14. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings. 


  1. Past President - The responsibilities of the Past President of Havasu Lions FC shall include, but not be limited to, the following; 

    1. Serves a one (1) year term with the ability to serve an additional one (1) year; without voting rights at the Board of Director level.

    2. Provides continuity and consulting services for the newly-elected President and for any other member of the Board of Directors. 

    3. Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board of Directors or President.

    4. Shall participate in a League committee, assist the committee leader, and update the Board of Directors on the committee during Board Meetings.  

  2. The President and Vice Presidents, with approval from the Board of Directors, may appoint additional committee leaders as needed.  Term of office for appointed committee leaders will be one (1) year and without voting rights at the Board of Director level.


  1. The positions of President, Vice President of Rec, and Vice President of Club must meet the following criteria to be eligible for voting consideration.  


  1. President – Must have two (2) prerequisites from the following;

    1. Have served a minimum of one (1) year as a Havasu Lions FC board member

    2. Have served as a Vice President or higher on a soccer board

    3. Have served in a Leadership role for a minimum of three (3) years

    4. Have served in a coaching capacity for a minimum of three (3) years

    5. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation from current board members


  1. Vice President of Rec – 

    1. Must served a minimum of one (1) year in a committee leader role under the VP of Rec

    2. May be required to submit a skill and qualification résumé 


  1. Vice President of Club –  

    1. Must have served a minimum of one (1) year in a committee leader role under the VP of Club

    2. May be required to submit a skill and qualification résumé 


  1. Directors and appointed committee leaders shall serve without compensation with the exception of Vice President of Rec and Vice President of Club.  


  1. The Vice President of Rec shall carry out all aforementioned responsibilities and receive a compensation of a set $2,000 per each Fall Season and an additional $2. per registered participant, and for the Spring Season receive a set compensation of $1,000 per season and an additional $2 per registered participant.  Compensation will be awarded at the midpoint of each season. Position requires a commitment at a minimum of 15 hours per week and more during each Fall and Spring Season.  


  1. The Vice President of Club shall carry out all aforementioned responsibilities and receive a compensation of $500 per team registered at the Club level.  Compensation will be awarded twice per seasonal year (Editing Note: see Rule 3, Rules & Regulations) to break up the compensation into two (2) equal payments.  Position requires a commitment at a minimum of 15 hours per week and more during the regular season.  



The President, with approval of the Board of Directors, may form committees and make appointments thereunto.  The Havasu Lions FC Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules & Regulations shall apply to committees.

  1. The President shall appoint a committee to review the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules & Regulations in every odd-numbered year.



  1. Annual General Meeting - The Annual General Meeting is to be held in the spring after the playing seasonal year is over for the purpose of electing Directors and for organization and planning purposes.  The Board of Directors will give public notice of the meeting at least ten (10) and not more than thirty (30) days of the meeting date.


  1. Regular Meetings - the Board of Directors shall hold meetings for the purpose of handling League business.  The frequency of these meetings will be determined by the current Board of Directors. The time and location of such meetings shall be fixed by the Board.  These meetings should be held at a time and location which will encourage other League members to attend.


  1. Special Meetings may be called by the President or two or more members of the Board of Directors.  The only business to be brought before a Special Meeting is that for which the meeting was called.


  1. Hosting Quorum - for transaction of business shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors.


  1. Voting Quorum - a minimum of five (5) Board Members.


  1. Meetings will be conducted pursuant to Roberts’s Rules of Order.


  1. Call to the public will be held at the end of each regular board meeting to provide a platform for public concerns and opinions. If anyone would like to speak, they have 3 minutes to discuss the topic. Board members can choose to respond or request for the item to be placed on the next board meeting agenda for further discussion.


  1. Email Voting - For purposes of items being voted on during regular meeting, if one or more Board Members is unable to attend a regular meeting they may either submit an email vote ahead of time or they (or any other member) may request that the said item(s) being voted on be tabled and an email vote be generated in an effort to give all members opportunity for input. Members will have 48 hours to reply to email at which time vote will become final.


The ratification and signature of five (5) members of the 2022-23 Board of Directors of the Havasu Lions FC shall be sufficient for the establishment of these By-Laws.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto subscribed our signatures:


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ Date _________________________________

Havasu Lions FC





These Rules shall apply to all Havasu Lions FC activities:

  1. All attendees shall behave in a civil manner. No profanity, profane gestures, assaults, threats of physical assault, verbal harassment of game participants or the use of alcoholic beverages or any other intoxicating substance will be allowed.


  1. The Board of Directors shall have the right to suspend, bar completely, or otherwise discipline any player, coach, League officer, or any person officially connected with Havasu Lions FC. team, for just cause.


  1. Procedure - Allegations brought to the attention of the Board of Directors concerning misconduct or violations of the Rules & Regulations of Havasu Lions FC will be handled as follows:


  1. The President, or other designated Board Member, will conduct an investigation to gather pertinent information concerning the incident.


  1. If merited, a formal meeting of the Board of Directors will be held at the earliest convenient date for the purpose of acting on the incident. The accused person(s) and such other persons as the Board of Directors may deem necessary will be invited, via letter, to attend. No other person may attend the meeting.


  1. The Board of Directors will proceed to make thorough inquiry concerning the incident. All parties will be allowed reasonable opportunity to speak.


  1. Upon conclusion of the inquiry, all non-Board Members and the accused person(s) will be asked to leave. The Board of Directors will then take whatever action they deem necessary in accordance with Havasu Lions FC Rules & Regulations. The accused person(s) will be notified in writing of the Board's decision. The Secretary of the Board will keep a copy of this letter for the permanent League record.


  1. To appeal a Board decision, the line of authority is to the Arizona Soccer Association - District VI Director, then to the Arizona Soccer Association (ASA). ASA appeal procedures are found in the ASA Rules & Regulations.


  1. The Board of Directors may make policy concerning minimum punishments.


  1. All incidents of ejection from games (red card) will result in a minimum of a one (1) game suspension.




  1. All games shall be played in accordance with THE LAWS OF THE GAME as published by The International Association Football Federation (FIFA).  Playing rules may be modified by the USSF, the USYSA or the ASA.


  1. Playing Rules for Divisions under 5 through Under 10 may be further modified by the League provided such modifications do not conflict with ASA Rules or recommendations.


  1. No League Playing Rule may conflict with ASA Rules & Regulations, but the League may adopt Rules which are more restrictive than ASA.




The seasonal year shall be September 1st to August 31st of the following year as specified by ASA.




  1. A player’s age is determined by birth year.


  1. Proof of age shall consist of a birth certificate or birth registration issued by an appropriate governmental agency, board of health records, passport, alien registration card issued by the United States Government, a Certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, or a Certification of an American Citizen born abroad issued by the governing agency. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates will not be accepted.


  1. Any player submitting false proof of age or for some other reason being found to be illegally registered shall immediately be suspended from play for the remainder of the current season, and the team shall forfeit any and all games in which that player has participated.


  1. Player Registration Fees shall be established annually by the Board of Directors.


  1. Player Registration - to be registered with the Havasu Lions FC, the following items must be complied with:


  1. Players must submit all completed required registration forms with the required pictures, proof of age, and all fees. 


  1. Player registration may be denied if it may be detrimental to the applicant's health.


  1. Player must reside within the boundaries of Havasu Lions FC.


  1. Scholarship Program - no child who wants to play soccer shall be prohibited due to finances. Assistance requires approval by the Board of Directors.


  1. Player Safety - No player shall be allowed to play in any game with an injury which can be aggravated by playing or which constitutes a danger to others. Final call will be at the discretion of the referee.


  1. NO DUAL REGISTRATION will be allowed; a player may be registered to only one club at any time.


  1. Players will be assigned to divisions based on birth year. No player may play up or down.




  1. Any player signing a professional contract, receiving funds for playing soccer or playing with a professional team without permission from the Arizona Youth Soccer Association shall be declared a professional and lose all privileges of youth amateur status.


  1. A youth player will be permitted to play an unlimited number of senior games without losing his or her youth eligibility. The youth player must obtain permission from his or her youth coach or other authorized official. The youth coach or other authorized official shall, in writing or by form, request permission from the State Senior Association. When the aforementioned permission has been granted, the State Senior Association shall have sole discretion in permitting a youth player to play senior games. In the event of a conflict between a Senior Trial game and a youth game, the youth game shall take precedence. A youth player may not play for two teams on the same day.




  1. Players may be challenged for proof of registration and/or age. The challenge will be in writing and directed to the Vice President of Rec.


  1. Proof of registration to the proper team will be accomplished by the VP of Rec.


  1. When challenged, proof of age, as specified in Rule 3' 4.A.1 will be presented to the VP of Rec within 48 hours.


  1. Failure to respond to a proof of age challenge by presenting proper proof of age as specified by AYSA and Havasu Lions FC Rules & Regulations will result in immediate suspension of the player so challenged and forfeiture of all League games in which that player participated.


  1. All challenges will be reported by the Vice President of Rec to the Board of Directors.




  1. Each team shall have one official coach and one official assistant coach. One coach must be at least 18 years of age. 


  1. Coaches' responsibilities shall include the following:


  1. Attendance (or being represented) at all official coaches’ meetings.


  1. Complete understanding of FIFA Laws of Soccer and the Havasu Lions FC Rules & Regulations.


  1. Notifying all players and parents of all scheduled activities, i.e., games, practices, meetings, etc.


  1. Organize and conduct regular team practice sessions which do not conflict with school or League field scheduling.


  1. Report any injuries to the Vice President of Rec within 48 hours of said injury.


  1. Be responsible for Havasu Lions FC equipment and the care and security of the practice and playing fields.


  1. Teach the game of soccer and good sportsmanship. Provide constructive supervision and give each player an equal opportunity to learn and enjoy the game.


  1. Conduct themselves in an appropriate fashion in accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game; follow and enforce Havasu Lions FC Policy and Rules and Regulations.


  1. Assume responsibility for the conduct of their players and the parents and supporters of their team at all games and team activities. 


  1. Remind parents to keep sideline comments positive and serve as a role model for good sportsmanship.


  1. Coaches shall take whatever action needed to discourage players from indulging in the following practices:


  1. Criticizing referees or linesmen or dissenting from their decisions in any manner.

  2. Retaliating in any way against members of an opposing team or purposely engaging in rough play.


  1. Showing disrespect for members of an opposing team, coach or official.


  1. Coaches shall refrain from the following:


  1. Exhibiting hostility or disrespect for officials or players.


  1. Interfering with the conduct of the game.


  1. Consuming alcoholic beverages and/or tobacco products in the proximity of the field (practice or game).


  1. Shouting at the referee or linesmen. Dissenting from decisions of referee or linesmen.


  1. Entering the field of play without permission from the referee. If coaches’ boxes are marked on the field, see that all players and coaching assistants stay within the box unless permission to leave is granted by the referee. If coaching boxes are not marked, coaches and players shall stay within ten (10) yards of the midfield line while the game is in progress.




  1. The referee in all League games shall be appointed by the local Referee Association. In all competition under the jurisdiction of Havasu Lions FC, all referees shall be registered with and be in good standing with the United States Soccer Federation.


  1. Referees shall complete the game report as specified by the Havasu Lions FC including game scores, cautions, ejections, and any injuries; and turn in to the Director of Coaches and Referees.  


  1. The referee may at any time be called by the League and/or ASA Board to explain his/her report.


  1. Prior to the start of the game the referee shall make sure that each player's equipment is in proper order. Players not having proper equipment, proper uniform, or wearing unsafe equipment will not be allowed into the game. All Havasu Lions FC players will wear shin guards.


  1. The referee's judgment with regard to the physical condition of the field and its acceptance for play will not be challenged. Nor shall the referee's judgment regarding and within those prerogatives granted to him/her by the LAWS OF THE GAME as published by the International Association Football Federation (FIFA), the.USSF, the USYSA and the ASA be challenged.


  1. Referees shall be acquainted with and enforce Havasu Lions FC policy in games played under Havasu Lions FC jurisdiction.


  1. Complaints about referees or linesmen shall be directed to the Director of Coaches and Referees. The complaint shall be submitted as directed through email. The Director of Coaches and Referees shall report the complaint and the action taken on the matter to the Board of Directors at their next regular meeting.


  1. When any person shall physically assault "an official" the original jurisdiction to adjudicate the matter shall vest immediately in the Board of Directors of the Arizona Soccer Association.


  1. Proper complaint shall be made to the appropriate civil authority and the referee involved shall cooperate in the prosecution of the offender.




  1. Game fields shall be as specified in LAWS OF THE GAME by FIFA. The League shall provide goals, goal nets, and corner flags and be responsible for providing the appropriate marking materials. The field shall carry the standard FIFA. markings. Practice times will be scheduled by the League as directed by the Board of Directors. Teams must secure approval from the appropriate League official in charge to change their scheduled field times.


  1. Games will be scheduled by the League and approved by the Board of Directors prior to the start of the playing season. Games will be played as scheduled unless cancelled by the assigned referee or the President of the Board.


  1. Schedules may be modified by the Board of Directors during the playing season if necessary.




These Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the entire number of the Board of Directors or by a majority vote of the general membership at the Annual General Meeting.




The ratification and signature of five (5) members of the 2022-23 Board of Directors of the Havasu Lions FC shall be sufficient for the establishment of these Rules.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have here unto subscribed our signatures:


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ _____________________________________


_____________________________________ Date _________________________________

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